Monday, January 24, 2011

It's Your Choice

Do you know where you are going when you die? Heaven or hell? Many think they are going to heaven just for being a “good person”. Sure, many do go to heaven but it doesn’t matter how many “good” deeds you perform, it’s how you live for Christ. Every one of us is a sinner, but the law of God is written on our hearts and we are to obey every law to get to heaven. But, we break those laws in ways that you wouldn’t even think of. For instance, take the laws do not commit adultery or do not kill. Well, looking on someone lustfully is considered adultery and saying you hate someone in your heart is a form of murder. In some way we have all broken one or more of these laws. So we have all sinned, we are all bound to go to hell. How can we get into heaven by living this way? How can we say we love Jesus yet turn our backs on him? It is simple; you must accept Jesus Christ in your life. You must sacrifice yourself the way Jesus sacrificed himself for each and every one of us. The Bible tells us he died for our sins so that we could be free and live for him. His scars, we put there with every mean thing said or thought. His bruises, we put there through our shame when we deny Christ in front of others. That crown of thorns was placed on his head for every lustful look we have ever given. Jesus took it all for us and yet we decide to not do the same for him. Each nail was put in his wrists and feet for every “murder” we have committed. We are all going to hell. How can we live a life like this? You may ask how is it that we get into heaven then? Well the answer is easy, REPENT. To repent is to feel such sorrow for sin or fault as to be disposed to change one's life for the better. In Acts 3:19 it tells us, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,”. It is as easy as that. Repent from your sins. Sacrifice your life of sin for Jesus Christ. Put it all in his hands. Hang yourself on that cross to die for him. He is our savior and our God and with him leading our lives heaven is the only answer. So the choice is yours. Where will you go when you die, heaven or hell?
                Now I want you to do something to reach that goal. Take both your hands and turn them towards the sky. As you sit there with your hands up, think of everything in your life. All the victories God put in your life, and all the sins and failures you have been through. Once you get all of that take a deep breath, turn your hands over and repeat this, “Jesus, I give everything in my life to you. I pour it all out at your feet and pray that you will pick up the pieces of my life and guide me to where you want me to go. Jesus, forgive me for all my sins. Break the chains that clench my heart and free me from them. I give my life to you. Do what you will.”
For the week I give you this, Ezekiel 18:31, “Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit.”

Monday, January 17, 2011

Love's Definition

                All of us have heard love thrown around in many different ways. Whether it be to a significant other, about a sports team or just anything in general.  Most of us use the word love in our everyday lives. But what is love really? It isn’t about the things we own, the people we talk to or anything that we care for in fact. Love is about one man who sacrificed his life for us so that we may be freed from sin. He was put on this Earth to save us from ourselves. We all have this “love” inside of us but not many people really grasp the actual meaning of it. We are all compelled by this love. Love’s definition is Jesus.
                His love for us is greater than ANY love we can imagine. No matter where we are in our lives he will always love us. If we are broken and falling from God, he will love us. If we let our fears and failures take over our lives, he will love us. If we don’t know Jesus or haven't accepted him into our lives, he will love us. His love never fails and it will endure forever.  So the next time you use the word “love” think of what it truly means to love. Love’s definition is Jesus Christ our savior.

For this week I will leave you with this: Ephesians 2.4-5, “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”

Monday, January 10, 2011

This is me!

Hey ya'll! This is Courtney Plante here writing to you from Bismarck, ND. I am going to be sharing with you the love that Jesus Christ has for each and every one of us. Faith is something that everyone of us has the potential to grow in. With my blogs I am hoping that they will bring you on a deeper level with God or even introduce you to him for the first time.  For he loves each and everyone of us and wants you to know him on a personal level. So sit back, relax and enjoy the word of God.
Here is something I will leave you with for the week; Romans 8:39, "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."